Bennie the Sennie is about 10-11 yrs old super calm #senegalparrot . When he came here the first time, I was advised nobody had ever heard him make a single noise and that he was blind and could only see shadows. Bennie is a great example of what a healthy organic raw nutrition does for them. He was lacking vitamins and I was asked to give him Vit A among others but I chose to provide him those vitamins though veggies. It worked!!! He’s no longer blind and moves all over his cage (no longer needs a special needs cage), plays with his toys and sings beautifully. He doesn’t favor being handled and may take a long time to trust again as he was found malnourished and being poked on a small cage at a flea market. A good friend couldn’t stand it and payed them 350.00 just to take it away from them. Thanks to this good friend rescuing him and the care we were able to provide, he’s now thriving and ready for his new forever home. Whoever adopts Bennie, must know and practice healthy nutrition for parrots as we need continuation to what has benefited him so much. He still has some trust issues but we’re hoping to find a home with a calm environment where the owner can win his trust. It can happen if patience and love are involved. ? We’ve worked really hard and consistently with him so we hope for a really committed new owner. We will adopt him with his cage and all the toys he’s already used to. It took him a while to even trust the toys so we think it’s best if his setting remains the same.

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