Rocko is a special needs blue fronted amazon looking for a special family to call its own. He’s missing the tendon that goes from the head to the neck so he has trouble keeping his head up. That makes him a bit clumsy inside the cage reason why we prefer a smaller size cage with a top playstand as he loves being out of the cage. When he’s out of the cage, he lits up and you can see in the pictures how he manages to hold his head up and even accept treats and food from me. Sadly, this baby was thrown inside a box from a woman driving a truck and a friend that saw it happening (and thinking it was a kitten) proceeded to open the box and there was frightened young Rocko. My friend kept him for some months and thought he couldn’t vocalize but after being here some months around other parrots and feeling safe, he started vocalizing occasionally which was music to our hearts. We’d prefer him to be an only fid but not mandatory. We just want someone with a huge huge heart willing to work with him for him to trust even more and be as happy as can be. So far he’s doing fantastic but we got to the point that he’d definitely benefit from the undivided attention from his own family to continue thriving. Besides that missing tendon, his health is excellent and is in great feathers. His vet records are with Dr. Clubb. If you think you can open your heart ❤️ to this special baby, don’t hesitate to fill an adoption application.
